Entry forms

Entries are Closed 


Payment should be done by country. i.e. ONLY ONE bank transfer pr. country.

Please check up with the person responsible for the team to make sure payment is done in due time.

Young Handlers shall not pay starting fee - is going to be free.

Entry forms and payment must be received on July. 22. 2024 at latest.

Please beware of bank transfers might take several days.

Entries are first accepted when both entry forms and payment are received.

Payment information:

Entry fee: 100,- € pr. dog. (reserve dogs are free) multiplied with your number of dogs entered.

Shall be tranfered to:

Bank: Raiffeisenbank Region Feldbach eGen 

Account holder: Österreichischer Hütehunde Verein 

IBAN: AT74 3849 7000 0030 7124 


Important: Mark the payment with your country and number of dogs.

All bank transfer fees must be paid by sender. (you)

Note:  Handlers who are running two dogs and also handlers running one dog plus reserve dog - have to fill in the form for each dog

All entry forms and payment must be received on July. 22. 2024 at latest.